Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday rejected a GOP call to
resign, telling a heated Senate hearing that Republicans were trying to
score political points instead of addressing significant issues.
Under attack from the
outset by Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Holder
rejected accusations he was stonewalling congressional investigators on
the botched "Fast and Furious" gunrunning sting operation and failing to investigate recent leaks of classified information properly.

Sen. John Cornyn,
R-Texas, leveled the harshest criticism, accusing Holder of misleading
Congress over what he and other top Justice Department officials knew
about the Fast and Furious program and refusing to appoint a special
counsel to investigate leaked national security details in recent media
Holder rested his head on one hand as Cornyn recited a litany of allegations involving the attorney general's performance.
"I'm afraid we've come to
an impasse," Cornyn said, adding that Holder "violated the public
trust" in his view. "With regret, you've left me with no choice but to
join those who call for you to resign your office."
Holder responded by
calling Cornyn's list of allegations "almost breathtaking in its
inaccuracy" and said: "I don't have any intention of resigning."
White House spokesman Jay
Carney said Monday that President Barack Obama maintains "absolute
confidence" in the attorney general, which Holder noted Tuesday.
Regarding congressional
demands for Fast and Furious documents, including a House committee that
plans to take up a contempt measure against Holder next week, the
attorney general said good-faith efforts to work with the House panel
have failed to reach a deal.
"The desire here is not
for accommodation but for political point-making," Holder said, calling
such behavior "the thing that turns people off about Washington."
In what appeared to be a
coordinated move, Republicans, led by Sen. John McCain of Arizona,
introduced a resolution Tuesday supporting the appointment of a special
counsel to investigate the classified leaks.
At the Judiciary
Committee hearing, Republican senators said Holder's decision to appoint
two U.S. attorneys to investigate, rather than a special counsel,
failed to address the seriousness of the violations and represented a
Democratic double standard.
The issue sparked angry
exchanges between senators, with Chairman Pat Leahy of Vermont and Sen.
Dick Durbin of Illinois, both Democrats, taking issue with arguments by
Cornyn and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, that Holder was acting
In response to
Democratic support for Holder on the classified leaks investigation,
Graham shot back: "If the shoe was on the other foot, you and everyone
else on the other side would be crying to high heaven to appoint a
special prosecutor that all of us could buy into."
Graham noted that as
senators, Obama and Vice President Joe Biden had called for the
appointment of a special counsel in past situations that involved
Republican transgressions, such as White House leaks in the Valerie
Plame case that revealed the identity of the CIA operative.
The current leaks were more serious, Graham argued, and Holder should do now what Obama and Biden had called for then.
However, Sen. Dianne
Feinstein, D-California, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee
and is a member of the judiciary panel, repeated her past contention
that a special counsel's investigation would take too long to deal with
the immediate threat from classified leaks.
She said she would
oppose the McCain resolution, adding that Holder took the right step in
naming two U.S. attorneys to investigate in addition to the FBI probe
already under way.
Holder told the
committee that both he and FBI Director Robert Mueller had been
interviewed "because we were people who had knowledge of these matters,
and we wanted to make sure that with regard to the investigation, that
it began with us."
Describing his
experience as "a serious interview that was done by some serious FBI
agents," Holder said he believed about 100 interviews had been conducted
so far.
Holder earlier offered
to negotiate with congressional leaders on turning over documents
involving Fast and Furious to avoid what he said could become a
constitutional crisis. He later modified his characterization of the
problem to a possible constitutional conflict.
"I am prepared to make
compromises with regard to the documents to be made available," Holder
said. At the same time, Holder said congressional Republicans must be
open to working out an agreement.
"I've got to have a willing partner," Holder said. "I've extended my hand, and I'm waiting to hear back."
The House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee will consider the contempt measure against
Holder on June 20, a panel statement said Monday. A vote by the panel
could occur that day, and the measure would then require approval from
the full chamber.
Monday's announcement
escalated a high-stakes, election-year face-off over what Republicans
said is Holder's failure to respond to a subpoena for Justice Department
documents on the botched operation.
The department has
acknowledged the program, which allowed illegally purchased guns to
"walk" across the border into Mexico, was badly flawed. Such sting
operations have now been prohibited.
The department's Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which lost track of more
than 1,000 firearms after they crossed the border, found itself under
fire when two of the lost weapons turned up at the scene of the killing
of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010.
Terry's family has been among critics of the Justice Department's handling of the case.
On Tuesday, Sen. Chuck
Grassley, R-Iowa, raised the matter in his opening statement and again
in direct questioning of Holder, noting that questions remain almost a
year after three whistle-blowers testified before the House Oversight
and Goverment Reform Committee about gunrunning.
"Here we are, one year
later, and the Terry family is still waiting for answers. They're still
waiting for justice," Grassley said, noting assertions by House
Republicans that sealed requests for wiretaps under the Fast and Furious
program showed top Justice Department officials knew about the
questionable operation long before so far acknowledged.
Holder repeated what he
told a House committee last week -- that he read the affidavits and
summaries and found no incriminating information.
"You reach conclusions
on the basis of hindsight," Holder said. "I try to put myself in the
place of people actually looking at the material at the time."
Holder has testified at
eight congressional hearings on Operation Fast and Furious, and he has
consistently maintained that he knew nothing about the flawed tactics
until early last year.
The chairman of the
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa,
R-California, said Monday that the panel wants documents that explain
why Holder and the Justice Department decided months later to retract a
February 4, 2011, letter to Congress that denied any knowledge by senior
officials of improper tactics in the gunrunning sting.
The Justice Department slammed the House committee's Monday announcement, calling it "unfortunate and unwarranted."
"From the beginning,
Chairman Issa has distorted the facts, ignored testimony and flung
inaccurate accusations at the attorney general and others, and this
latest move fits within that tired political playbook that has so many
Americans disillusioned with Washington," said spokeswoman Tracy
Both Issa and the Justice Department statement said a resolution still could be reached to avoid the contempt measure.
Last week, Holder
assigned Ronald C. Machen Jr., U.S. attorney for the District of
Columbia and a Democratic appointee, and Rod J. Rosenstein, U.S.
attorney for the District of Maryland and a holdover GOP appointee, to
lead the investigations into the alleged leaks.
McCain and other
Republicans are insisting on a special counsel, contending that
investigators within the system would face a conflict of interest in
pursuing top government officials.
A recent report in The
New York Times provided classified details of what it described as a U.S
cyberattack targeting Iran's nuclear centrifuge program sparked the
bipartisan outrage.
Other recent possible
leaks of classified information included details on the administration's
efforts to expand its drone program and Obama's involvement in "kill
lists" against militants in Yemen and Pakistan.
The public airing of
details surrounding a recently disrupted bomb plot in Yemen by al Qaeda
in the Arabian Peninsula also angered intelligence and national security
Republicans noted that
some articles cited sources who took part in White House meetings, which
they said showed that leaks were coming from administration officials.
Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Arizona,
repeatedly asked Holder how two U.S. attorneys could effectively
investigate top national security issues involved in White House
meetings cited.
Holder insisted the attorneys he named were dogged prosecutors who would follow any lead, no matter where it took them.
Obama has strongly
rejected claims that his White House has deliberately leaked secrets to
the media, saying the idea was "offensive" and would put Americans at
Graham, however, said
Tuesday that the pattern of the administration was to be uncooperative
on issues that might embarrass it -- such as Fast and Furious and now
the classified leaks.
Holder responded the administration has prosecuted classified leaks more than any previous administration.
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